Thursday, June 26, 2008

Things I love:

~new music
~turquoise jewelry
~my little Tesie-cat
~the Office
~cool, clean, soft sheets (I would wash them every night if I could!)
~spinach, kale and other yummy greens
~ feeling accomplished because I got up early and got alot of things done
~manis and pedis (home and salon)
~checking off things on my "to-do" list ( I will add silly things too, like "take a shower" just so I can check it off.) I know, I'm a dork.
~my healthy, pretty plants and flowers
~weddings/dreaming about weddings (thinking about others, and my future one)
~the beach
~foot massages (especially after a long week, thanks mister!)
~writing utensils...I have a pen fetish
~new pipette bulbs
~relaxing and meditation

Things that don't bring on that less-than-three feeling:
~Swarming wasps (they were back again today, but this time they didn't get me). I got attacked and bitten multiple times by wasps on my stairwell a week ago, I don't understand why my apt. complex doesn't get rid of them since I've told them all about it!
~a grad students salary ( I know tuition is paid for, but in the end, if you calculate it, it comes to less than a dollar/hour) I'll just be glad when this is all over!
~waking up early =/
~Texas drivers
~crocs (the reptile and the shoe)
~how expensive everything is!
~fast-food ( i really try to avoid this, but sometimes, you get stuck working really late without having any dinner and then thats the only things thats left because everything else is closed and you're too tired to cook. so gross)
~bad directions

Hmmm...thats all I can think of for now. There's not too many things that get to my "bad-side". Cant wait to get home and finish off the front piece, I really didn't get to work on it last night!

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