Some big news as of late, and reason for my lack of posts:
- PhD Defense - August 9th
- Starting job as lecturer of 3 chemistry classes (700 students) - August 25th aaahhhh!!!!
- Getting married - September 18th
- Moving somewhere in between that!
Yeah, that's the big stuff.
I have been keeping myself very occupied lately, mostly with dissertation writing and my summer teaching job (TA). When I get tired of writing, then it's time for wedding preparations, etc. I'm constantly working. How did all of this happen? I don't know! I wasn't planning on everything to come at once like this. It's intense right now, and I was not expecting to start a job so soon, but I am very glad to have something that will add to my resume in the interim time between my graduation and Ryan's, and that we can also still be together in the same place. Then our wedding will be the icing on top of the craziness (it's worth it!). I can't wait to see all of my and his family (together! that's a first) and be in our BEAUTIFUL new apartment together. Anyhow, back to the title of this post. My save-the-dates. I haven't been up to any craftiness, except for these guys. I had such nice plans for them (as you will see) but then with time issues and snaffoos popping up here and there, I was THIS CLOSE to letting a facebook message suffice to give everyone advanced notice about the wedding. I know, SO WRONG, but I figured it would have been ok since it's all (mostly) family (I know, still not OK). Anyhow, they wouldn't have gotten done if it weren't for my cousin Meryl and her friend Georgia coming to see me and force me to do wedding preparations, like DRESS SHOPPING. yeah, I've been a total slacker. But that's for another post. Save-the-dates. These girls were awesome and helped me make them. Wanna see? I know you do.
I got (copied I think is more like it) my idea from 100layercake's tutorial.
I started compiling these things weeks ago, and I did a couple things differently. I had a custom stamp made through Etsy seller SugarLetter. I wanted something that had our names and the location, since it is a bit of a destination wedding, so that our guests could know who this was for and where - without me having to add anything extra in the envelope. I used lace instead of doilies. Well ok, I ordered the doilies but they took FOREVER to get here - not until after my save-the-dates were in the mail! So I went to Joann and got lace to use instead (now I have something like 72 super cute 3" crochet doilies sitting at home). I used raffia and hemp twine along with various heart and flower charms, all bought at Joann. The "pressed floral" paper was found in the scrapbooking department at Joann as well. The biggest issue was the tags. I had ordered the exact same tags as was used in the tutorial. But with my stamp, which is much bigger than the library date-stamp used in the tutorial, everything looked really crowded and cluttered. I HATED it. I was actually very worried that my save-the-dates would turn out looking like a craft project gone totally wrong. And I dreaded trying to figure out what to do to make them work, I just didn't have the time or patience to really try to make it come together in a way that would keep all the elements I wanted. Further, none of the many places around town, craft supply and office stores alike, had tags any bigger. SIGH. Enter Meryl. "Why not just make our own tags?" DUH. I had thought of that. But making a template, tracing, cutting, yadda yadda. I SO didn't have time to do that on my own. However, with Meryl and Georgia along with lab and workout buddy Emma, we were able to tackle it via assembly line. We got some thick linen card stock in ivory to serve as the tag material. Meryl made the template stencil, then Georgia traced, while Emma cut tags, (my rotary cutter saved so much time!), Meryl cut out the lace pieces and I sewed them onto the tags. Nearly 6 hours later, we had the tag bodies made. Then Mem, Georgia and I finished adding the other pieces throughout the next day. I am so happy with the result.

save the date!
There were several styles, though all very similar. You may have to click on the pic to view a larger version of it to see what I am talking about. The main differences include what type of string was used to tie the charm - raffia or twine. The next was the floral paper/stamp piece. It either had the save-the-date stamp or the "all you need is love" stamp. Additionally, the lace was cut in either a quarter circle piece (convex), or the opposite (concave) sloping inward piece. Finally, each save -the-date had it's own charm, so every one was unique.
concave lace, raffia, small stamp on floral paper
similar, but this was my favorite charm in the bunch. I believe Aunt Kristin got this one! Yes, I hand selected them for the recipients.
I have been keeping myself very occupied lately, mostly with dissertation writing and my summer teaching job (TA). When I get tired of writing, then it's time for wedding preparations, etc. I'm constantly working. How did all of this happen? I don't know! I wasn't planning on everything to come at once like this. It's intense right now, and I was not expecting to start a job so soon, but I am very glad to have something that will add to my resume in the interim time between my graduation and Ryan's, and that we can also still be together in the same place. Then our wedding will be the icing on top of the craziness (it's worth it!). I can't wait to see all of my and his family (together! that's a first) and be in our BEAUTIFUL new apartment together. Anyhow, back to the title of this post. My save-the-dates. I haven't been up to any craftiness, except for these guys. I had such nice plans for them (as you will see) but then with time issues and snaffoos popping up here and there, I was THIS CLOSE to letting a facebook message suffice to give everyone advanced notice about the wedding. I know, SO WRONG, but I figured it would have been ok since it's all (mostly) family (I know, still not OK). Anyhow, they wouldn't have gotten done if it weren't for my cousin Meryl and her friend Georgia coming to see me and force me to do wedding preparations, like DRESS SHOPPING. yeah, I've been a total slacker. But that's for another post. Save-the-dates. These girls were awesome and helped me make them. Wanna see? I know you do.
I got (copied I think is more like it) my idea from 100layercake's tutorial.
I started compiling these things weeks ago, and I did a couple things differently. I had a custom stamp made through Etsy seller SugarLetter. I wanted something that had our names and the location, since it is a bit of a destination wedding, so that our guests could know who this was for and where - without me having to add anything extra in the envelope. I used lace instead of doilies. Well ok, I ordered the doilies but they took FOREVER to get here - not until after my save-the-dates were in the mail! So I went to Joann and got lace to use instead (now I have something like 72 super cute 3" crochet doilies sitting at home). I used raffia and hemp twine along with various heart and flower charms, all bought at Joann. The "pressed floral" paper was found in the scrapbooking department at Joann as well. The biggest issue was the tags. I had ordered the exact same tags as was used in the tutorial. But with my stamp, which is much bigger than the library date-stamp used in the tutorial, everything looked really crowded and cluttered. I HATED it. I was actually very worried that my save-the-dates would turn out looking like a craft project gone totally wrong. And I dreaded trying to figure out what to do to make them work, I just didn't have the time or patience to really try to make it come together in a way that would keep all the elements I wanted. Further, none of the many places around town, craft supply and office stores alike, had tags any bigger. SIGH. Enter Meryl. "Why not just make our own tags?" DUH. I had thought of that. But making a template, tracing, cutting, yadda yadda. I SO didn't have time to do that on my own. However, with Meryl and Georgia along with lab and workout buddy Emma, we were able to tackle it via assembly line. We got some thick linen card stock in ivory to serve as the tag material. Meryl made the template stencil, then Georgia traced, while Emma cut tags, (my rotary cutter saved so much time!), Meryl cut out the lace pieces and I sewed them onto the tags. Nearly 6 hours later, we had the tag bodies made. Then Mem, Georgia and I finished adding the other pieces throughout the next day. I am so happy with the result.

save the date!
There were several styles, though all very similar. You may have to click on the pic to view a larger version of it to see what I am talking about. The main differences include what type of string was used to tie the charm - raffia or twine. The next was the floral paper/stamp piece. It either had the save-the-date stamp or the "all you need is love" stamp. Additionally, the lace was cut in either a quarter circle piece (convex), or the opposite (concave) sloping inward piece. Finally, each save -the-date had it's own charm, so every one was unique.

My workers.
I am such a slave driver. They should start making unions for save-the-date makers because I worked these girls the entire two days there were here (as evidenced by Meryl in this next photo, upon completion of our project) She'll tell you, they were allowed only 1 Coke and 1 bathroom break per day. =) kidding! But we got them done!

I gave my helpers a very special save-the-date.

Sugar scrub! made by me =)

I am such a slave driver. They should start making unions for save-the-date makers because I worked these girls the entire two days there were here (as evidenced by Meryl in this next photo, upon completion of our project) She'll tell you, they were allowed only 1 Coke and 1 bathroom break per day. =) kidding! But we got them done!

I gave my helpers a very special save-the-date.

Sugar scrub! made by me =)
Thanks Mem and Georgia!!! I couldn't have gotten nearly any of the things we got done without your help and I am SO APPRECIATIVE. Emma, you helped so much too, by staying late to get all those cards cut out. We wouldn't have been able to finish them the next day without that, I know it! Emma also baked german chocolate cupcakes . . . YYyuuuuuUUUMMmmmmm! Nothing urges you to work a little more quickly than the smell of warm chocolatey goodness =) You ladies are awesome! I had so much fun with you girls. . . Mem and GA, you're a riot. You guys definitely brightened my spirits when you were here. I can't wait to see you at my wedding!
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