My old iPod decided it wanted to die this week. It didn't want to upload songs anymore, saying there was not enough memory space on it for the songs I wanted to add to it. Even when I downsized the number of songs I wanted to upload to it (1 playlist ~12 songs) and I KNEW there was enough space on it. So, I decided it would be good idea to restore it to the original factory settings. I mean, that's what it says to do in iTunes, "if experiencing problems with iPod, restore factory settings". So, I blanked out all the memory. And then tried to upload 12 songs. Still not enough room. So, I was left with a blank iPod. Yes. I was thinking I would wait and see if I would get one for Christmas, but I was already going crazy not being able to listen to music in the lab [not everyone in our lab likes radio music, so we can't play the radio. Thus, my lab is iPod nation. Everyone has their iPods in and on...kinda impersonal. =( ] So, I got a new one yesterday. It's the purple one in their new color series. I loved all the colors, I stood at the campus computer store for at least 5 minutes just trying to decide which color I wanted. But, I got purple because I am afterall, Dad's sugarplum. =) I love it. It has twice the memory, which is all I need for dinking around the lab and the occasional run. Which was ANOTHER reason I could not wait til Christmas. I am trying to get back into working out, and I CANNOT go running without music. I get bored way too quickly and I need a nice beat to keep me moving. Look how skinny it is!!

It is less than half the thickness of my previous one. And, the my new 'pod plays movies. Pretty slick for such a little thing. One other really spiffy feature, say you want it to shuffle your songs and a song comes on you don't want want to listen to, just give it a little shake and it will move on to another song. How cool is that? ( I didn't even know this when I bought it, a lab mate just pointed that out to me right now) And it was only $150, that's almost half of what I paid for my first nano. crazy.
While I was at the computer store, I also got a mouse for my laptop. I have had my laptop for almost 4 years, and I have just been using the touch-pad on it. Yikes....What was I thinking? That $21 for the mouse will be the best spent $21 this year. It's so much faster and easier to use the mouse. I don't know how i went so long without it.Briana and David got their wedding proofs. Their photos are gorgeous, and she just looks freaking amazing.
I got some new books too. I love Amazon. Even with shipping, you pay less than half of what you would at Barnes and Noble. And I know they will give me alot of ideas for presents. =)
Here are two that I have received so far. The first is Amy Butler's In Stitches. She also has a line of really pretty, colorful fabrics. But this book has some really cute ideas and patterns for decor and personal items. The particular page I have opened to is a really pretty patchwork duvet cover. Looking at all the things in my books so far....there is no way I am going to pay 100+ dollars for things like duvet covers and bedsets at the store. I am going to make that stuff, and it can all be so much prettier than what you get at the department stores.

This second one is another in the series of I have of last minute knitted and patchwork gifts. This one is fabric gifts: hand sew, machine sew and no-sew projects. What I love too is that these books show you some really unique and pretty ways to wrap your presents.

The page I have opened to is one I am sure I will be using alot. Especially since I have been starting to get alot of requests for my flowers! And I just don't quite have the time to crochet a whole bunch of them. This is a really pretty variation, bias blooms. And looking at the pattern, I am already thinking of ways I might be able to change up this pattern or do different things with them. Aren't they pretty? This particular project is hand-sew.

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