Friday night Ryan and I used his birthday concert tickets as we saw Billy Talent, Rancid and headliner Rise Against at Stubb's. Wow. quite an experience, let me tell ya.
I didn't really know what to expect. I had heard of Rancid before, and knew like, one of their songs. I have the latest Rise Against album so I knew at least a good number of their songs, and didn't even know about Billy Talent until I got to the show.
First of all, it was hot. Not just hot, it was I-am-so-clammy-it-feels-like-I-am-being-smothered-and-melting kind of hot. Stubb's is an open venue, and it is first-come first-serve when it comes to where you are in respects to the stage, so we got there about 45 minutes before the doors opened at 7 to make sure we had a good spot. We had to stand in line in the full blazing heat of the sun. Good thing we thought in advance to pick up some cold drinks to have with us while in line. I think I would have died otherwise. Once we got inside though, it was much better. We found a really nice spot about 30 feet from the stage that was situated between an outdoor staircase (to the right/front of us) and a big oak tree behind us. We had about 4 feet of space to claim as our own, with two of the ends being blocked off by inanimate objects (This is nice because the crowd tends to "push" forward once the show starts). This spot was worth the wait. The only bad thing was that because the tree and stairs prevented it from getting too crowded, people started to use it as a pathway to get to the bar. What was worse was the pushy, sweaty guys going back and forth ten or so times trying to make their way to the mosh pit. Yes, a MOSH PIT. My first one ever. I had never seen anything like it! As soon as the music started playing, this huge circle directly in front of the stage just turned into a bunch of guys running around, shoving each other, and probably hitting each other too. You just saw a huge cloud of dust from all their activity, and it just looked like a brawl. There were a few occasions where security had to escort bloodied up people from the pit. There was crowd surfing too. It was a sight to see. Another thing was I would move out of the way to make room for people to pass through and they would just stop and take my place, at which point Ryan would tap on their shoulder, give 'em a look and tell them to move on. Anyhow, Ryan figured out that if I stood close to the staircase, he could stand close enough to me to make the aisleway that people could use, thus preventing me from getting pushed and touched by them. This also provided him with the opportunity to "bump" the really annoying, pushy ones up against the tree (which he took advantage of when need be). We positioned ourselves as such towards the end of Rancid's set, and were able to fully enjoy Rise Against (who we really came to see).
Overall, it was a very interesting show. When you have bands that look like:

Billy Talent

Rise AgainstYou can probably imagine the crowd demographic. I'd say the craziest time was when Rancid came out. We both liked Billy Talent, and of course Rise Against. Rancid's music just wasn't my taste.
I had fun, despite the aforementioned factors and that 1) I forgot my camera at Mike's house (I'm driving myself crazy) hence the web photos. I wanted to take pictures for the blog but figured I could just use my phone until 2) I lost my phone (my new phone!) and finally 3) my feet KILLED from standing for over 6 hours straight after a workday when I am usually standing doing chemistry. Some girls in attendance were wearing heels. I don't see how anybody can stand through a 5 hour show in that. insane. I also learned that I will not see anyone at Stubb's in the summer unless I am absolutely crazy about them.
It was an adventure and a brand new experience for me. At least Ryan enjoyed the show, it was after all for him. Besides, I am going to have to do things like this if I am going to get him to take me to see Michael Buble or someone like that. =)
Other parts of the weekend included cleaning Mike's place/ getting my stuff together to move out. His wife gets back tomorrow! Tonight is my last night there, and I am so excited. I just can't wait to be home, in my bed, with my kitties. I am prone to forgetfulness, but I can keep it in check most of the time if I plan ahead in advance so I can make sure I have everything I need. It's just impossible for me to keep this act up when I am spread out over my place, another place and the lab.
I can't wait to get sewing again. I have Alyssa's duvet cover to make. I also went shopping this weekend for some gifts I am going to make for my cousin's wedding, and an old labmate who is having his first baby next month. They will be my main focus this next weekend. For now, I need to focus on moving back home and working on my group meeting presenation which is this Friday. I didn't know this until last week, but the boss will be in attendance! It needs to be good, so I will try really hard not to get distracted by these exciting projects in the meantime.
If I have the time, I'll try to get a teaser post with some of the fabric this week. Have a good one!